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May 4, 2013

She stood up today … that in itself is nothing new, she’s been hauling herself up to a standing position for a little while now and using one outstretched leg to turn or pivot round to pick up the toy of the moment … she is so happy crawling and sitting bolt upright and shuffling neatly along on her bottom that I think she feels no real need as yet to walk.

Her legs, though, are getting stronger and today at playgroup she crawled at high pace across the room when her little friend Lydia had an apple. Lydia is 5 months younger than Hope and is already walking around in ‘proper’ shoes … Hope reached her and climbed Lydia’s mummy to reach out for the apple, then she spotted a drinking bottle and tried to reach for that at the same time. She stood unaided for a full 30 seconds not sure which way to lean or which was the more desirable; the water or the apple, both arms outstretched. Stock still and very stiff backed and with what seemed to me to be perfect posture (the book would have stayed flat on her head and not fallen off had she been at young lady’s deportment school!!). Then she realised what she was doing, made a lurch toward the apple and sank to her knees triumphant.

Proud doesn’t even come close! … and petrified … if she can stand unaided it can’t belong before the high speed walking starts and then the even higher speed running. Yoikes! If my friend’s theory is true, she will b very fast. Her daughter started walking and crawling at 8 months and is now very adept but has always been fairly slow, Hope on the other hand builds speed and can crawl at high speed now. She has obviously built her leg muscles and determination as well as her taste (not just for apples) for adventure.

So, there you have it, whoop whoop. My girl can stand … all by herself … she wasn’t even created this time 2 years ago … the solitary sperm still hadn’t been injected into the egg, The Spaniard hadn’t come into existence … we had no idea if IVF would work let alone how I would be able to deal with being pregnant, or if a pregnancy might last. Now here I am with a very nearly 16 month old small person who can stand. She can also push herself forward at the top of the slide so she goes down it when she is ready and not before, she reaches her hands up when she wants to get off the swing and says, “Up Up” and has learnt how to say Shhhhhhh and put her finger up to her mouth … the shhhhhh is more of a ssssss but the delight on her face is wonderful. “Sssssss” is generally followed by shouts of “op op” … a sign she wants to play ‘Sleeping Bunnies’ and then hop hop hop.

Hope also said the word blueberry today … it was more “booobarrrr” but she said it pointing to a large blueberry alongside 5 raspberries (“raaaabarrrrr”) … my baby is almost, very nearly, a toddler and her secret language, her Hope-ish is now interspursed with words that other people can understand as well as those that I have learnt. I’m delighted that I can now speak (although not fluently) Hope-ish.

Aside from her verbal skills, wonderful dexterity and very cheeky sense of mischief, Hope can stand unaided … I KNOW …she can stand … wow!!!!

That makes me feel very grown up!!!!

Now, how on earth am I going to keep up with her!!!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. lins22 permalink
    May 4, 2013 6:01 am

    Had an interesting chat with Kiz sitting on a dock in Fort Lauderdale yesterday with “day before sail” problems reaching a crescendo. When the twins were small, they couldn’t understand why I got so stressed when, for instance, the car broke down because, “It all was sorted every other time, so we thought you should just chill out.” Now, as an adult she gets to see the complexity of solving such problems!! The question with Hope with a mother such as you ought to be IMHO – can she keep up with you and your amazing juggling?!!!

    As for crawling, walking etc.. Tara was off on her knees at six months or so (early – if I kept a record of such things, it is long lost), and walking MONTHS before Kiz who was a very adept, and slow, bum shuffler. Tara is our high paced family member with notable times in 100-1500m, fell running etc. Kizzy is slow but purposeful. No point rushing anything – let’s sit down and make a list first!! So, I’m challenging your theory ;)))

    Huge hugs from USA. We set off on our 1000 mile sail tomorrow. Xxx


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